Sunday, October 19, 2008

Jaymes isn't the only Problem Child

Sierra has some issues we need to address. Obviously, the first thing that comes to my mind is that unlike Jaymes, she has no excuse to behave poorly. But that's unfair. She has a bad role model in Jaymes, and she is younger. Jaymes isn't excused from behaving properly either.

Sierra, though, has been spoiled horribly. She's the delicate little girl, and she's a daddy's girl. I've done my share of spoiling, but Jason has really turned my little princess into a snotball. Some of the things were cute at first- toothless baby biting our hands and growling. Cute, funny. Not so much now that she has a mouth full of razor sharp fangs. She's got a real biting problem. If you aren't careful, you'll end up with her teeth sunk into whatever flesh is available. She bites HARD and it HURTS. Then she giggles.

She also hits and scratches. Daddy thought it would be funny to teach her to poke mommy with a stick too, so now she wails on me with pencils, the broom, her doll... It was cute for a brief time, now it just sucks.

She's definately shown us the mistakes we've made in our parenting, and now it's time to fix it. She's started to get a 1 minute time out for any hitting/biting/scratching/throwing things, and she is learning that if she throws her plate at the wall in a rage, she has to wait until her next meal to eat again. It's hard, putting our little princess through this, but she needs to stop this. It can only get worse if we ignore it, and it'll make her life and ours much harder.

On the other side of things... My god, that child is so smart. She talks SO much. She learned the word NO and loves to use it. She loves to yell out whatever she's heard us say recently "Bad baby! NO NO NO!" "I CiCi!" "JAAAYYYYYMES!"

When my radio station (93.1 The Wolf) plays their jingle, she knows right when to howl with it. She sings to some of the songs on the radio that have repetative parts. She takes her doll and pretends to feed her and change her diaper, and dress her.

It's amazing... It's like being a parent for the first time, because she is so very different from Jaymes. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to make Jaymes seem less special. He is wonderful in his own ways. But that belongs in DBTD, this is Sierra's blog!