Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas goodies!

In case you didn't think Sierra had enough baby dolls, she now has a bunch more. We got her a life sized one, and I put one of her own newborn outfits on it. Kinda cool, since I saved her teeny stuff, her baby has a big wardrobe! She also got two other babies from others, one being a small newborn baby type with a bed and blanket and the other being a toddler-baby that looks just like her, minus the hemmangeoma! It has 2 pairs of shoes and 2 outfits. I think MIL got that for her.

She got lots of cute clothes from MIL too, for once I think she listened to Jason and I because she got all the right sizes, and not too much was hideous. Her taste was pretty on par with my own.

Her favorite gift was the baby doll stroller I chose for her. She wheels her babies all around the house, all day long. Loves it. Soooo cute. She got a big, clear, water/glitter filled bounce ball too, and loves to play "catch" with me rolling it up and down the hall.

She doesn't sleep anymore. She is apparently tall enough to open her door now, so she comes out every hour or so. We put her back, she screams her head off and comes back out, and in the end no one gets any sleep. It really sucks, and she's not a happy camper during the day since she's not getting her sleep. I may give the pediatrician a call and see if he has any thoughts.

All in all, I'd say the little shoe diva had a good Xmas. Thankfully the disgusting drama unfolding in the "family" has not touched her like it has Jaymes, and she can remain blissfully unaware of anything bad on a special day like this one.