Sunday, November 23, 2008

Baby alive?

Apparently my mother in law has gotten Sierra a Baby Alive doll. Supposedly it is a numbered one, out of 5000 ever made. I don't know the truth of that, I thought Baby Alive was pretty much a mass produced Walmart commercial baby doll.

My fear is that she got this toy at a garage sale. I'm ok with garage sale goodies, generally... However Baby Alive pees and poops (ew), meaning the inside of those things get kinda foul if not cleaed out regularly. I'm imagining gunky, mold filled orfices on this doll, and cringing at the thought.

I could be wrong, though, she just made it sound a lot like it came from a garage sale. We shall see.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Boycott Pee-Pee!

Sierra is making our nights suck. Seriously. at age 2, you'd think she could hold her pee-pee until at least early morning, or ignore it like she used to... She'll wake up at midnight, and at 4am. We've concluded that all it takes to satisfy her is a diaper change and a drink. Has to be both, not just one. She cannot tolerate being wet. We need to limit her liquid intake at night I guess, but she is always so thirsty!

I cannot get over how smart she is... It's so weird, having a Jaymes at 2 and having a Sierra at 2... Very very different. Polar opposite. Sierra understands "me", "you", "mine", "my", "yours". It's incredible. She asks questions "where baby go?" "Where Jaymes go?" and tell us what she wants...

On the bad news side of things, Echo the Chewer Dog had declared war on the Tiny Shoe Diva's shoe collection.

One pair brown and pink sparkley dress shoes- eaten.
One pair little green slip flops with flowers- eaten.
One pair blue fireworks sandals-eaten.
One pair pink winter boots- eaten.

I've moved them to a higher shelf, and given the Shoe Chewer a stern lecture.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Apparently Sierra knows all her body part names. How do I miss these things?

Friday, November 14, 2008


Sierra saw the Endocrinologist over at Baptist Hospital today... She had been referred because the pediatrician looked at her growth charts from a year ago and graphed the progression up to this year at her 2nd birthday, and she had not grown at all in weight or height.

Apparently bloodwork he did prior to this appointment came back strange, they didn't explain it well and kept asking me about glucose and diabetes and stuff and I was too frazzled to get an explanation.

Anyway they want to check her growth hormones and her water retaining hormones. They suggested that she could be a late bloomer, or that when she hit her head and her brain bled as a 3 month old, that it could have damaged the part of the brain that controls growth.

They took blood, urine, and an xray of her arm for whatever reason... She'll go back in 6 months, unless the tests show something bad and then she'll be back sooner.

I can't deal with two sick kids. She has to be ok, because I can't handle anything else on my plate anymore. I'm past my limit. I need a break.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sierra loves babies!

She loves toy babies, real babies, pictures of babies, and videos of babies. Here, watch for yourself!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I know, I know

I'm bad about this blog. Jaymes' blog, like Jaymes himself, often overshadows all else. As I don't have a lot of time right now, I'll make a list of things Sierra does that knock the socks off me every time!

  • Brings me the phone and says "Spongebob want mommy"
  • Goes to Jaymes' door every morning when he is at school and asks "Where Jaymes go?"
  • Has a huge vocabulary
  • Knows how to use that vocabulary properly
  • Looks desperately for Jaymes when he is gone, even though they fight like cats and dogs
  • Chases down the cat while sweetly murmuring "Kit-ty, ki-ty" and yanking on her ears
  • Runs to her bed at nap time, smiles up at me, and says "I yuv oo mommy"
  • Says "Ni-ni"at bedtime
And a zillion other things. she's SO smart! It's amazing, You can actually have a conversation with her.