Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The miracle of speech

Sierra is so cute. Unless she's being shy around non-family members, she never stops chattering.

Yesterday, she had cut up hot dog for lunch. She ate at the coffee table in the living room while watching Spongebob, I was on my laptop in the kitchen with Echo curled up at my feet and Midnight in the dog crate asleep. About fifteen minutes into her meal, Sierra came racing out to me screaming "MEEDNIGHT EAT MY HOTDOG!!!" I laughed and pointed out to her that Midnight was in her crate and could not possibly have eaten her hot dog. She looked at the plate again, and told me "Echo ate my hot dog." Looked down at the slumbering yellow Lab, and Sierra blurts out "SI-SI ATE HOTDOG!"

Honesty prevails.

Other current speech habits include:

"I need help" when she needs help with something
"I don't need help!" when she needs help with something
"I play!"
"I want Spongebob"
"I want cookies, I want cake, I want ice cream, I want chocolate milk" every morning as soon as she wakes up.

"Jaymes took it"
"Echo took it"
"Meeednight ate it"
"Doggie ew" when a dog has has left a deposit on the grass out back
"Horsie ew" when the horse has left a much larger deposit on the grass out back.

"Daddy need diaper" when daddy passes gas
"Daddy ew" See above
"Si-Si ew" Means, batten down the hatches and remove your nose quick, time for a diaper change.

Ah, the joys of a talking child.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Holy moley Batman, she's finally posting here!

Sierra's blog does not get the posting it deserves, but think of it as rationing out the cuteness in safe doses. You wouldn't want to overdose, it could be fatal.

She gets cuter, and more evil by the day. In her sweet, loving little voice and wearing a ginormous ear to ear smile she will look at Jaymes and say "Bye-bye poopy Jaymes!" She also likes to call him "Baby Jaymes" despite the fact that he is obviously older than she is. Cute, but evil.

She feels the need to copy what mommy and daddy do- including checking our "diapers" for poop like we do to her. She'll run up behind me and grab the back of my jeans and try to peer down there while shrieking with horror "Mommy poop! Mommy poop!"

Obviously, the poop is all in her mind.

She's talking sooo much, full sentences and everything. It's a little depressing because of the comparision between her and Jaymes but still really amazing to watch. Every morning she wakes up, comes out to the kitchen, drags a parent to the fridge, and says the following very loudly, with excellent enunciation. "I want cookies. I want ice cream. I want cake. I want candy."

If you're in the bathroom, she is automatically both intensely curious and intensly offended. Again, shouts of "mommy/daddy poopy!" ring through the house. Sometimes evn just being in the bathroom is enough to start her going.

She'll be great about changing her parent's diapers when we're old and feeble. Good baby, looking out for our future diaper rash.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Sierra update

The doctor saw her yesterday (can you believe it, on a SUNDAY!!!) and said she has a nasty case of croup. He gave her a nebulizer treatment and prednisone, and we're doing the neb treatments at home too. Fever is gone, whch is great after the whole 24 hours of 104 fever before! She's still feeling icky, but she'll be ok soon.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sierra is sick...

Poor little thing has had fever since Friday morning. Started out 100.4, then by that night 101. Yesterday 101-102 all day and last night 102-104. Today she is miserable, just lying on the couch with her eyes half open and glazed over. She's got a horrible cough, and also vomited a few times during the night. She's so hot, and shaking and unhappy... I hate seeing her like this.

Doctor is giving her a special sunday appointment, at 11:15. Hopefully she'll be ok and it's nothing. Last time she was this sick, she was admitted to Baptist hosp for 3 days. I thought that was a reaction to her MMR vaccine, but now I'm not so sure.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Sierra talking caught on tape

Cuteness caught on tape. Ignore my music in the background and listen to Si-Si tell me "you go away!" and "no done!"

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Tax Time Presents!

Sierra and Jaymes both got a little bit of an allowance from our taxes for things they needed or wanted... Sierra enjoyed getting hers at Target yesterday. Her haul?

1 giant heart shaped pillow (Her "lo-lo"
1 musical light up Glow-Worm (You know you had one, way back when)
1 pink and brown plastic plate shaped like an own
1 plastic cup, clear with rainbow alphabet all over it
1 Spongebob DVD

Jaymes got (he's not finished yet)

1 set of plastic snap together beads (the tiny kind, not the infant type that are huge and easy)
1 harmonica
1 new carseat (Turbo Booster)

Pics to come when I get my new camera, the old one died finally, after 3 years of heavy use.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The sheer cuteness

Of Sierra playing Sock Tug-of-War with Midnight. Fun courtesy of daddy's nasty smelly sock. Midnight won.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Ahhh! It hurts my eyes!

Here is a blindingly cute video of Sierra taking her old, out of shape broodmare for a ride. Notice that she wears neither helmet, boots, or saddle and bridle of any kind. She must be into Parelli.

Forgive my white back, Sierra tends to crack my shirt way forward. Promise it's my back and not my butt though! What do they say about folks who post really unappealing videos featuring their own pale, flabby selves? Oh well, I guess you'll be too busy looking at the cute growth on my back (Sierra, you freaks, geeze!) to notice.