Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I know, I know

I'm bad about this blog. Jaymes' blog, like Jaymes himself, often overshadows all else. As I don't have a lot of time right now, I'll make a list of things Sierra does that knock the socks off me every time!

  • Brings me the phone and says "Spongebob want mommy"
  • Goes to Jaymes' door every morning when he is at school and asks "Where Jaymes go?"
  • Has a huge vocabulary
  • Knows how to use that vocabulary properly
  • Looks desperately for Jaymes when he is gone, even though they fight like cats and dogs
  • Chases down the cat while sweetly murmuring "Kit-ty, ki-ty" and yanking on her ears
  • Runs to her bed at nap time, smiles up at me, and says "I yuv oo mommy"
  • Says "Ni-ni"at bedtime
And a zillion other things. she's SO smart! It's amazing, You can actually have a conversation with her.